River Valley Class Participates in Global Read Aloud

River Valley Class Participates in Global Read Aloud


Global Read Aloud is a project with a simple goal…… find one book to connect the world. Since its inception in 2010, over a million students have participated worldwide. This year, Mrs. Rakoczy’s fourth grade class at River Valley has joined those ranks.

Mrs. Rakoczy explained, “Global read aloud is meant to make the world a little smaller, to open our eyes to the rest of the world and look at all of our shared experiences. How phenomenal for a child to know that the same book they are reading is being read in classrooms across the globe! It is a yearly program that choose five books at different levels. We chose Pax, which is recommended for 4-6 graders. There is a guide to keep everyone on track with reading. Then we can go on several sites to share ideas, ask questions, and discuss the book with other classes around the world. We are using Edmodo, Skype, Padlet, and WriteAbout to discuss with other classrooms.”

It is clear that the students are excited about the activity. Fourth grader, Nick Abdullah stated, “Today, we will Skype to a random class in the group. We will investigate and try to guess where they live by asking questions.” His classmate, Maddy Faron shared, “It is fun to share a book with people. It is cool to know they are in a completely different place doing the same thing as us!

Pictured:Mrs. Rakoczy’s fourth graders use technology to share their book experiences with students across the globe.