River Valley School News

Ms Halina became a United States citizen shortly before school opened this year. The st...

This year students and staff will participate in several school-wide reading initiative...

One of the unique extracurricular opportunities available for students at River Valley ...

This past year River Valley participated in an internal audit facilitated by CEC (Conso...
On March 2nd, Maggi Burkhardt, assistant principal at River Valley School presented to ...
Students at River Valley have an opportunity to join a sign language club for the fir...
Students at River Valley School are participating in a school-wide mock pres...
District 113A schools celebrated Veterans Day in unique and varied ways. Oakwoo...
Global Read Aloud is a project with a simple goal…… find one b...
In the last three weeks clubs of all kinds have been starting and are up and running....
The start of a new school year can be an exciting time for students, but it can also ...
River Valley students practiced routines and procedures throughout the day, ...
During the final days of the school year, River Valley Sch...
Every year, hundreds of thousands of families across the world lose everything when d...
700+ Parents and Family Members Attend

The River Valley Rotary Club worked in the months of November and December to collect...

Throughout River Valley School, fractions are a major topic in math. Sarah Ab...
With the support of the River Valley PTO, the fourth grade students were abl...
Mrs. Burkhardt & Mrs. Lynch had to kiss a bulldog! Will they have to sit on the roof in the spring?
57 students achieve academic excellence and accolades from the President.
Students encouraged to think outside the box.
Students sing, dance and play instruments!
Math exploration night a huge hit, with over 120 students attending!
Students learn compassion and charity through Pennies for Patients fundraiser.
PTO Fun Run Raises Funds