Students collect buckets of loose change that benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Oakwood and River Valley Schools engaged in a PTO sponsored fundraising event that benefitted the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. For the past two weeks both schools have been collecting loose change in hopes that they could beat previous fundraising efforts. For over ten years, River Valley School has participated in this fundraising activity during Valentine week to show their heart. This year and last year, Oakwood School joined their efforts and combined, the two schools are a force to be reckoned with!
The top three classrooms at each building that raised the most amount of money earned Barnes & Noble gift certificates to purchase books for their classrooms. The top classrooms at each grade level earned a PJ spirit day for their class.
Overall results for Oakwood School are:
1st Place – Walker (AM Kindergarten) $267.93
2nd Place – Picciola's (1st grade) $241.04
3rd Place – Clark's (2nd grade) $239.41
Oakwood School raised a total of $3274.05
Overall Results for River Valley School are:
1st Place – Mitchell (3rd grade) $625.17
2nd Place – Meyer (4th grade) $327.32
3rd Place – Cikowski (4th grade) $298.35
River Valley raised a total of $3,737.60.
The two schools combined raised $7,011.65!
Big thanks for to the Oakwood/River Valley PTO for organizing and sponsoring this event. Students and staff should be proud of their work and efforts.