OW Weekly Connection 3/5/19

Good afternoon,

It has been a recent news story that has been hard to miss; Momo scares children on the internet and gets the children to hurt themselves. Although there have been very few instances of students talking about Momo here at OW, we take it very seriously.  If students bring it to our attention, we will talk to them and assure them that there is no such person or thing as Momo, but we know students still may be scared. 

Here is an article on Momo (click here) and in the article are some excellent tips on internet safety that should be reviewed with your child. Please take time to read the article. Encourage children to come to you or a school staff member with anything they might see online that scares them, worries them or makes them uncomfortable. Working together we can help our students navigate the internet safely.

Click for the Connection

Have a great week!

Kelly Zimmerman