Oakwood School Blog
Welcome to the Oakwood Weekly Update Briefs! These briefs will highlight import...
Staff at Oakwood dressed up as Superheroes for Thursday and Friday Halloween celebratio...

OW Material Pick up Remote Device and Material Pick-Up Remote device ...
On January 30, Oakwood celebrated our 100th day of school. Some of our friends dressed ...

A message from Dr. Courtney Orzel, Superintendent of Lemont-Bromberek CSD 113A Janua...
Thank you to Oakwood PTO for helping us to provide this amazing opportunity to our youn...

We have some more photos to share from our last Reward Friday! So many classes were abl...
Ms. Nepote's class got to celebrate Reward Friday with some extra recess! They got ...
We were so happy to have Jeremiah, a friend of Eve and fellow comfort dog, to Oakwood. ...

Oakwood Parent Connection 4/9/19 Good evening, Fun Fair is Friday!! Yeah! We are ...

3/14 is National Pi Day (Pi=3.14) Mrs. Gergit's class earned a prize for filling up...

Last night, Oakwood School hosted a Family Reading "Eve"ning with several spe...

Oakwood Weekly Connection 4/2/19 Good evening, Welcome back from Spring Break!&nb...

Weekly Connection 3/19/19 Good afternoon, Please check out the Connection fo...

Weekly Connection Good afternoon, Please check out this week's Connection!&nb...

Good afternoon, It has been a recent news story that has been hard to miss; Momo sca...

Good afternoon, Please mark your calendars for our District 113A Family Festiva...

Weekly Parent Connection 2/19/19 Good evening, We have several important pieces o...

Good evening, Oakwood and River Valley is seeking your help as we have had reports f...

Good evening! Check out the pictures from our 100th day inside this edition! ...

Good afternoon, I wanted to remind everyone that we will be closed on Wednesday, 1/3...

Good evening, Woohoo!!! We met our goal! We are at 31% participatio...

At Oakwood, we practice the 3 R's on a daily basis - that's being RESPONSIBLE, ...
OW had a visit from Eve the Comfort Dog on Wednesday! These are some of the friends who...

Good evening, *Little Caesars Pizza Kits and Cookie dough are back! RV and...