Here you will find many links to the online resources we use here at school and that you can also use at home. Please let me know if you have any questions about logging on to any of the sites that require a username or password. Your child has already worked with these at school.

GreatMinds - This is the website for Eureka Math Resources.

Xtramath - This is a great resource for practicing math facts!

Prodigy - A curriculum-aligned math game.

Khan Academy - Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.

SeeSaw - Students' Digital Portfolio sand Classroom messages can be found here.

ReadWorks  and NewsELA - Your child can read articles, adjust the reading level of the text, and practice answering comprehension after each article.  Articles are related to current events in many areas, including sports, health, entertainment, science, and more.

Epic Reading - On Epic Reading, your child can choose books based on his/her interest to read online. Some are books to listen to, and others are to be read independently.

Google Classroom - You can use your student id + email ending ([email protected]) and your regular classroom password to log in to our Google Classroom and see announcements and assignments from home.

Reading Comprehension Practice - Use Mr. Nussbaum's interactive reading passages to practice reading skills. Start with third grade passages, and choose a higher or lower grade to practice as necessary!