Daily Homework

Students should read 20 minutes each day.  This reading can be done alone, with a partner/parent or a combination of both. Reading should be geared toward the interests of your child and include a variety of formats such as books, magazines, internet, and environmental (signs, menus etc.). 

Students should practice basic math facts for addition, subtraction,multiplication and division. This can be done through a variety of games to make it fun.  Think: card games like addition or multiplication "War", or dice games.  Students should work on Zearn every day for homework for 10-15 minutes.  Math worksheets will be sent home if I feel a child is ready to try to work it out independently.  If your child is below grade level in reading, you should read any word problems and directions to him or her.  If your child shows frustration when completing an assignment, please write a note on the paper or email me.