Weapons Information

Section 5/10-22.6 of the Illinois School Code regarding weapons at school limits the definition of a weapon in the context of bringing it to school and/or possessing it there, at school sponsored events, or at any activity or event which bears a reasonable relationship to the school. As always, possession of a gun at school means automatic expulsion. However, the code also specifies that other objects, including, but not limited to knives, brass knuckles or billy clubs, may also be considered weapons and any student possessing them subject to expulsion if the items are used or attempted to be used to cause bodily harm. Possession of a “look-alike” of any weapon as defined above may also put a student in jeopardy of expulsion.

Please note the following information that we are obligated by law to stress to all parents:
If a student comes to school, attends a school sponsored activity or an activity that bears a reasonable relationship to school with any of the above-mentioned items, the student could be expelled from school for a minimum of a calendar year and not to exceed two calendar years.
A student who engages in such action will be suspended until the Superintendent and/or Board of Education determines the appropriate resolution of the individual case.

It seems as if most of these kinds of weapons would never be found here in our schools. However, there have been cases in which students have brought scout knives, pocketknives, pellet guns, or other such objects to school to show to friends and classmates. Although this may seem innocent enough, first and foremost the School District is responsible for the safety of all of its students. Therefore, while the School Code allows the District to examine each situation of a weapons violation on a case-by-case basis, please ensure that your child does not bring to school any item that could potentially be used to cause harm. Please discuss this policy with your children and stress the seriousness of their actions regarding weapons and weapon “look-alikes.” If you have any questions concerning the information in this letter, please contact your building principal.